"Les Montres Gelatines de L'Espace Temps"
(The Frozen Watches of Space-Time)
coupelle en porcelaine
(porcelain plate)
This unique porcelain plate features an image by Salvador Dali taken from the 1974 original intaglio suite La Conquete du Cosmos (Conquest of Cosmos).
The rear of the small plate states that it is #1415 of a limited edition of 2000 manufactured in Lamotte-Beuvron by "Editions Van Dick Anvers - Belgique" at a size of 120 x 120 mm.
I cannot find any information about this object on the internet and would appreciate any reader input as to the year of its production, and any information that may be of value in assessing its worth.
While I lack data about the year of production and the original sale price, I tentatively place a value of about $20 on this object.
Collecting rare and out-of-print (OOP) books by, about, illustrated by, or featuring the art of, Spanish surrealist artist Salvador Dalí. Featuring information regarding the edition and the estimated value of antiquarian or collectible Dalí publications, and a reference source to help others in the research of rare or out-of-print Dalí publications and miscellaneous Dali collectibles such as medals/medallions and fine art prints.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Hommage a Meissonier: Lithographies Originales de Salvador Dali (1967).
Hommage a Meissonier:
Lithographies Originales de Salvador Dali
(Hotel Meurice, 1967)
This is the exhibition catalog for the unveiling of Dali's masterwork "Tuna Fishing" at the Hotel Meurice (Paris) in November, 1967.
The catalog has a plain white soft cover wrapped in an illustrated yellow dust jacket.
The text of the catalog is in French, so I am not able to provide more details as to that aspect of the content.
The catalog contains several b&w illustrations, only one of which by Dali (Tuna Fishing). In addition, there are four original Dali lithographs on colored paper of card stock thickness.
Clearly, these lithographs are studies for images in Tuna Fishing, and are readily detected in the masterwork.
Lithographies Originales de Salvador Dali
(Hotel Meurice, 1967)
This is the exhibition catalog for the unveiling of Dali's masterwork "Tuna Fishing" at the Hotel Meurice (Paris) in November, 1967.
The catalog has a plain white soft cover wrapped in an illustrated yellow dust jacket.
The text of the catalog is in French, so I am not able to provide more details as to that aspect of the content.
The catalog contains several b&w illustrations, only one of which by Dali (Tuna Fishing). In addition, there are four original Dali lithographs on colored paper of card stock thickness.
These booklet lithographs are referenced by Field as #67-2 (page 127), with 2000 printed (assumed per image). Upon this information, it is presumed that the catalog is limited to 2000 copies.
My catalog came with a supplement on card stock that appears to be a poetic homage to Dali and/or the exhibition. The inside is a handwritten facsimile with a two-thirds foldover with typewritten text. I am not sure how this item fits in with the package, but others have reported the item with their catalogs, so they seem to go together.
The cost of this catalog seems to vary widely across the internet, but one consistent aspect is that sellers place a high value on it. With average prices firmly into the $200 range, it's hard to imagine anybody is buying.
Indeed, I don't think the demand is out there, especially at that price, even with four original Dali lithographs limited to 2000 copies. These particular lithographs are not causing that much of a stir in the overall scheme of things.
Most likely, this catalog would sell quite readily in the $100 range. My copy has some light foxing, but is otherwise in good condition, so I was able to get it for a bit less.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Salvador Dali: Bilder Zur Bibel (Images for the Bible) (1973).
Salvador Dali: Bilder Zur Bibel (Images for the Bible)
Germany, 1973
Wow, here in America, who knew that this book existed? First time I ever saw it. It's just this kind of item that was one of the inspirations for this blog.
This book has a purple hard cover with the title in gold letters. This is covered by an illustrated paper dust jacket. Finally, there is a clear plastic dust jacket with the title of the book printed in gold on it.
Inside, there are 40 full-page color illustrations done by Dali for the Biblia Sacra suite. 32 of these illustrations are found in the Jerusalem Bible, with eight additional illustrations included here. The eight additional illustrations are pictured below.
All illustrations are of the same size, quality, and paper as the Bible illustrations, making them virtually indistinguishable. There is no text on the reverse of any illustration page.
Accompanying each image is a one or two page text, likely passages from the Bible or a discussion of the images' relation to the Bible. It's in German, so I'm not really sure.
This book seems to be rather uncommon, especially here in the US. The average price seems to be about $80 for a fine copy.
Germany, 1973
Wow, here in America, who knew that this book existed? First time I ever saw it. It's just this kind of item that was one of the inspirations for this blog.
This book has a purple hard cover with the title in gold letters. This is covered by an illustrated paper dust jacket. Finally, there is a clear plastic dust jacket with the title of the book printed in gold on it.
Inside, there are 40 full-page color illustrations done by Dali for the Biblia Sacra suite. 32 of these illustrations are found in the Jerusalem Bible, with eight additional illustrations included here. The eight additional illustrations are pictured below.
All illustrations are of the same size, quality, and paper as the Bible illustrations, making them virtually indistinguishable. There is no text on the reverse of any illustration page.
Accompanying each image is a one or two page text, likely passages from the Bible or a discussion of the images' relation to the Bible. It's in German, so I'm not really sure.
This book seems to be rather uncommon, especially here in the US. The average price seems to be about $80 for a fine copy.
Jerusalem Bible - Illustrated by Salvador Dali (Doubleday & Co., 1970)
Jerusalem Bible
Illustrated by Salvador Dali;
This large, heavy book is just under 12″ tall by 3″ thick, and is filled with 32 full-page color illustrations by Dalí. This number represents less than a third of the 105 lithographs in the “Biblia Sacra” suite. However, this enormous illustrated book is sure to be a prize to even an atheist.
Features two silk ribbon page markers, leather cover, marble decorated pastedowns and endpapers, and gold gilt page edges. Originally issued in a coffin box for protection, and can be found in red, white, and black covers.
The red cover seems to be the most common and the black and white covers are of about equal rarity.
A pretty common book, but demand remains fairly high, so you will pay at least $100 for a nice copy. I have seen copies sell for upwards of $200.
Illustrated by Salvador Dali;
Features two silk ribbon page markers, leather cover, marble decorated pastedowns and endpapers, and gold gilt page edges. Originally issued in a coffin box for protection, and can be found in red, white, and black covers.
The red cover seems to be the most common and the black and white covers are of about equal rarity.
A pretty common book, but demand remains fairly high, so you will pay at least $100 for a nice copy. I have seen copies sell for upwards of $200.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Dali "Peace" Medal / Medallion (.999 silver, 1978)
Dali "Peace" Medal / Medallion
(.999 silver, 1978)
There is no shortage of Dali medals, medallions, and coins out there. This medal is devoted to the topic of peace.
It is dated 1978, measures about 59mm in diameter, and weighs about 100g. On the edge, it is stamped "silver 999," "E," and "164/350." Please note that the particular medal pictured here is no longer in my posession; it has been passed on to a proud new owner.
Anyhoo, the medal is shown here with its original satin-lined, flocked presentation case.
Internet information on this medal is lacking. It is highly unlikely that only 350 of these were produced. I suspect that the "E" refers to a set, as in the fifth set of 350, for instance. I can't confirm this because I have not heard of another person with a different letter stamped on the edge.

What I have heard from other owners of this medal, or observed at auction:
It's a pretty cool medal. Not too common, but it does turn up on auction from time to time. Prices have ranged from about $225 to $350. That's a huge range, but the market speaks for itself. Happy hunting.
(8/12/13 update: prices average around $200)
(.999 silver, 1978)
There is no shortage of Dali medals, medallions, and coins out there. This medal is devoted to the topic of peace.
It is dated 1978, measures about 59mm in diameter, and weighs about 100g. On the edge, it is stamped "silver 999," "E," and "164/350." Please note that the particular medal pictured here is no longer in my posession; it has been passed on to a proud new owner.
Anyhoo, the medal is shown here with its original satin-lined, flocked presentation case.
Internet information on this medal is lacking. It is highly unlikely that only 350 of these were produced. I suspect that the "E" refers to a set, as in the fifth set of 350, for instance. I can't confirm this because I have not heard of another person with a different letter stamped on the edge.

What I have heard from other owners of this medal, or observed at auction:
- one person has reported this medal without any serial number on it;
- one person has reported owning two medals, both stamped "## / 150" with no letter;
- I observed an online auction of this medal reported to be stamped "EA 61 / 75";
- I observed an online auction of this medal reported to be stamped "E 100 / 350;"
- Update 4/25/11: I observed an online auction of this medal reported to be stamped "Israel 0827;"
- Update 5/21/11: I observed an online auction of this medal stamped "E 78 / 350;"
- Update: 6/25/11: I observed an online auction of this medal stamped "37 / 150;"
- Update 7/1/11: I recently observed an auction of two medals represented by the seller as #956 and #1061 of 3,500 originating from an Israel edition;
- Update 8/6/11: I observed an online auction of this medal reported to be stamped "E 203 / 350;"
- Update 10/5/11: I recently obtained this medal in a flocked presentation case stamped "AP 68 / 75;"
- Update 11/5/11: I recently obtained this medal in a flocked presentation case stamped "E 10 / 350;"
- Update 11/5/11: I recently obtained this medal stamped "Israel 964," with a card indicating a total edition of 3500;
- Update 8/12/13: I recently obtained this medal in a flocked presentation case stamped "E 285 / 350."
It's a pretty cool medal. Not too common, but it does turn up on auction from time to time. Prices have ranged from about $225 to $350. That's a huge range, but the market speaks for itself. Happy hunting.
(8/12/13 update: prices average around $200)
Friday, February 11, 2011
SIGNS of the ZODIAC by Dali - 12 Color Lithographs (1969, Penn Prints)
SIGNS of the ZODIAC by Dali
12 Color Lithographs
1969, Penn Prints
Once in a blue moon a rare Dali collectible comes your way and you just have to have it. This set of 12 color lithographs is one of those rare items.
The complete set consists of the porfolio, a page describing the characteristics of each zodiac sign, and 12 color lithographs on heavyweight paper. The litho paper is sized 14" x 18" with an effective image area of about 11 15/16" x 16".
This set is extremely rare in a complete and fine condition. I recently saw a complete set in decent condition (but with soiling around the edges) sell for about $360. However, more recently I saw a near mint set on auction for nearly $500, and it did not sell.
Like many collectibles, demand plays a big part in the overall value. While this set may be extremely rare, the current market seems to dictate an average value of about $450 for a complete set. Mint condition sets would obviously command a premium.
This value is far below the rate suggested when smaller lots of individual prints from this set sell separately. I have seen lots of two or three prints from this set sell for as high as $40-$50 per print, suggesting a complete set could sell for as much as $600.
The few owners of this set of lithographs across the internet clearly place a higher value on this set; prices range to well over $1000. Indeed, I might only sell my set for about that much, considering how difficult it was to obtain such a fine and complete set.
12 Color Lithographs
1969, Penn Prints
Once in a blue moon a rare Dali collectible comes your way and you just have to have it. This set of 12 color lithographs is one of those rare items.
The complete set consists of the porfolio, a page describing the characteristics of each zodiac sign, and 12 color lithographs on heavyweight paper. The litho paper is sized 14" x 18" with an effective image area of about 11 15/16" x 16".
This set is extremely rare in a complete and fine condition. I recently saw a complete set in decent condition (but with soiling around the edges) sell for about $360. However, more recently I saw a near mint set on auction for nearly $500, and it did not sell.
Like many collectibles, demand plays a big part in the overall value. While this set may be extremely rare, the current market seems to dictate an average value of about $450 for a complete set. Mint condition sets would obviously command a premium.
This value is far below the rate suggested when smaller lots of individual prints from this set sell separately. I have seen lots of two or three prints from this set sell for as high as $40-$50 per print, suggesting a complete set could sell for as much as $600.
The few owners of this set of lithographs across the internet clearly place a higher value on this set; prices range to well over $1000. Indeed, I might only sell my set for about that much, considering how difficult it was to obtain such a fine and complete set.
Dali: a study of his life and work (1958)
Dali: a study of his life and work
New York Graphic Society, 1958.
This book can easily be one of the tallest and widest in your collection (it's 13.75" x 14.5" ). The title is a bit ambitious, especially considering that at the time this book was printed, Dali still had more than 20 years left to his career.
In its time, this book likely served as an excellent introduction to Dali's early career and rise to international fame. Though that story has been told in many other places since then, this book still holds some historical value.
Other than the color plates, this book is heavily illustrated with b&w reproductions, comprised mostly of paintings, with a short section of drawings and watercolors at the end of the book.
The book originally had a clear dust jacket with the title printed in red. It is frequently missing from the book, so look for it if you are buying a copy.
This book is relatively rare, but not necessarily in demand. Average prices tend to be a little high for a book of this nature, around $35-$45, but at this price, nobody's buying.
Personally, I don't think you should pay more than $25 with the dust jacket, but you may not find such a bargain. Happy hunting!
New York Graphic Society, 1958.
This book can easily be one of the tallest and widest in your collection (it's 13.75" x 14.5" ). The title is a bit ambitious, especially considering that at the time this book was printed, Dali still had more than 20 years left to his career.
In its time, this book likely served as an excellent introduction to Dali's early career and rise to international fame. Though that story has been told in many other places since then, this book still holds some historical value.
The main text, written by A. Reynolds Morse, follows Dali's career through the exhibitions of his work. In this organizing element, Morse records dates, places, galleries, and the main works on display.
This information allows one to follow the public career of Dali through the workflow he produced and revealed to the world in stages. Certainly, this chronology is valuable to any scholars seeking to trace the steps of the great master painter Dali.
A unique element of this book are the 17 tipped-in color plates, which are the exception rather than the rule, in Dali art books (a list of the plates is provided here). The descriptive captions for the color plates were written by Dali.
The book originally had a clear dust jacket with the title printed in red. It is frequently missing from the book, so look for it if you are buying a copy.
This book is relatively rare, but not necessarily in demand. Average prices tend to be a little high for a book of this nature, around $35-$45, but at this price, nobody's buying.
Personally, I don't think you should pay more than $25 with the dust jacket, but you may not find such a bargain. Happy hunting!
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